Study of Human Brain

  The human brain Is the central Organ of the human nervous system And with the spinal cord Make up the central nervous system The brain consists of the cerebrum The brainstem and the cerebrum .

Type of human brain 

  • Fore brain ( cerebrum, thalamus, limbric system or (hypoyhalamus))
  • Mid brain 
  • Hind brain

Fore brain

  • Cerebrum
Cerebrum is the part of forebrain 

And it  is the largest part of the brain and is composed of right and left hemisphere is perform higher function .

  1. senseing
  2. Speech
  3. Reasoning and intelligent
  4. Emotion
  5. Learning
  6. Control of movement

Thalamus function

It is the middle part of brain 

It caring sensory information to home the body to cerebrum and limbic system

- And is responsible for 

  1. Hunger
  2. Thirst
  3. Fear
  4. Anger 
  5. Sexual response


The hypothalamus is a small region of the brain Its located of the base of the brain ,near the pituitary gland while its very samll the hypothalamus play a crucial role in many  important Function including releasing hormone regulating body temperature  .

  • Harman connected to nervous system is the part of  small brain .

Mid brain 

Midbrain Also called mesencephalon, the midbrain serves important function in motor movement ,particularly movement of the eye ,and in auditory and visual processing it is located within the brainstem and between the two other development region of the brain .the forebrain and the hindbrain is relatively small.


  1. Controlling of reflex moments
  2. Controlling of hearing reflex 


Hindbrain is the lower part of human brain Near the brain stem Sound is also known as rhombecephalon  The hindbrain subdivides . Into the cerebellum and pons . wheres myelencephlm gives rise to the medulla 


  1. Cerebellum;- balance of body voluntary moment
  2. Pons ;- control sleep, breathing pattern
  3. Medulla ;-its control automatic action like breathing ,blood circulation ,heart role ,swallowing



  • When you start meditation lets you become more aware and more purposeful about your action 

Top 5 benefits of meditation 

  1. Memory power increase 
  2. Happiness 
  3. Reducing  negative emotion 
  4. Increasing imagination 
  5. Increasing patience 

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