Human eye

 The human eyes is one of the most valuable and sensitive sense organ in the human body. it enable us to see the wonderful world and colour around it. 

Eye ball




Part s

Cornea ;- it is the transparent spiracle membrane covering the front of the eyes. light enter the eyes through the membrane most of the refraction of light ray. entering the eyes  occur at the outer surface of the cornea. 

Crystalline lens;- the   Eyes lens is the concave lens made of of a a transparent soft and flexible material like a Jelly made of protein



Optic nerve


Retinal blood vessels 

Viterous body 

Blind spot

sclara;-The sclara is the external Near of the Wall of the eye ball It is made of the dense connective tissue. it differentiate  into the the cornea in the the anterior part of the eyes. it is mostly made of of of  collagen and Elastic Fibre.the  sclera is also called the white of the eyes

 Function of sclara

;- the sclera is a Protective layer. It help in maintaining the shape of the eyeball. Due to sclera  one can assess the  Movement of other. yes  and know Where they are looking   it is made of  nonverbal communication. Extraocular Muscles are attached to it. who is control the movement of the eye

Retina ;

-It is the light sensitive surface of the eyes in which the image is formed. it contains light sensitive cell rods and cones

-The retina is a thin layer of tissue that lends the back of  eye  on the inside. it is located near the optical  nerve.


(Medical expert explain that when the retina is injured thourgh disease or an accidnt . blood vessels are  affected these are neurone die, And the brain doesn't receive information. 

-There are three layer present 

Photoreceptor cell layer

Ganglion cell layer

Bipolar cell layer

Photoreceotor cell layer;-Easy part of retina. that function are very  wall venlo light condition. 

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